Thursday, April 17, 2008

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new baby @ the halfway house

James & Lesley are pleased to anounce they are still totally insane as they welcome in the new addition to the halfway house.
He's an 8 week old lilac burmese and thanks to david has been christened Howard Moon - man about town
Howie was not planned for but will none-the-less be accomodated. It's these spur of the moment aspects that make life worth living!
Our little delivery had a settled night snuggled somewhere under or between James' pillows. - - - not bad for the kid's first night away from his Mum & 7 brothers & sisters.
Molly has shown her usual interest & intrigue by giving him a slobbery kiss. Taz had a sniff of relevant areas, chester is oficially pissed off and refuses to chat to me but is seemingly forming an alliance with Max - this could smell of terrorist activity but we'll keep security tight until the dust settles.
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